[CREATE] Second proposition: Stuttgart

Louis Desjardins louis_desjardins at mardigrafe.com
Thu Apr 20 07:03:32 PDT 2006

Dave Neary a écrit :
> Hi,
> Craig Bradney wrote:
>>Montreal sounds great to me. My only issues are that required sponsorship 
>>levels might be higher and hence harder to achieve, but you will know better 
>>there as to who came from what side of the globe to LGM v1. 
> We're going to have to resign ourselves to the fact that there will be
> fewer Europeans, and more Americans and Canadians, next year.
> Unfortunate, but you have to disappoint someone.
> Cheers,
> Dave.


I can only think of working harder with the sponsors so we can get 
"most" people to cross the oceans and participate. I think we need the 
teams on board and will manage to make that happen. The hard work that 
was done for the LGM v1 will help us alot, I think, as Dave pointed it 
in a previous post.

So ? Montreal 2007 ? Stuttgart 2008 ? Sounds super to me.


Louis Desjardins
Mardigrafe inc.
T 514 934 1353
F 514 934 3698

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