[CREATE] State of resources spec

Alexandre Prokoudine alexandre.prokoudine at gmail.com
Mon Jan 26 07:23:14 PST 2009

On Sat, Jan 24, 2009 at 8:07 AM, Sven Langkamp wrote:

> what's the state of the resources spec? The wiki page lists no update since
> 2005, the package is no longer available and I haven't seen anything on the
> list about it. Is there still interest to finish and release it?
> If that's the case, what is missing?

Here is some insight.

Several issues with the spec, IMO:

1. I want it to be part of XDG. It was discussed before, but noone
replied my last mail asking about progress. So I take it as it was
never done. So it's on my todo.
2. I'd love to see levels and curves presets to be covered by the spec.
3. Unstable GIMP supports tagging resources. I'd love to see the spec
covering this too.
4. Th spec includes too much analysis text. My plan was to move it to
a separate document. On my todo as well.
5. I'd love to see modularized packages (create-brushes,
create-gradients etc.). Not sure if it's on my todo, but I think I
could do it.

It's a kind of surprise that the package is not available yet. But
this is easy to solve.


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