[CREATE] Processing.js

Susan Spencer susan.spencer at gmail.com
Thu Sep 9 16:12:39 PDT 2010

Anna Sobiepanek would be a good person to contact regarding processing.js

She's adding support for SVG.

Her blog is "Anna on
twitter - @annasob

She was helpful to me in finding SVG tutorials.

- Susan

From: ricardo lafuente <bollecs at sollec.org>

> So this is a very good opportunity to try and tie those ends together,
> making bridges to bring Processing closer to the Libre Graphics
> community, as well as the other way around -- i've met quite a lot of
> Libre Graphics people who sadly had never heard of it.
> I believe it's worth making an approach to the Processing team to see if
> they would be present at the LGM; it's IMO one of the next logical steps
> to strengthen the Libre Graphics community.
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