[CREATE] book content for workshop on saturday

S.Kemter buergermeister at karl-tux-stadt.de
Tue Apr 10 11:45:20 PDT 2012


Time to speak about the "Open Source, Just Works - The LGM Book Workshop" 
which is scheduled on saturday on LGM. The idea behind that was to publish the 
papers of the talks. So see the book as marketing for your project and ideas, 
second point is - there hopefully will some profit for LGM. ;)
So everyone should know now, if he has a talk on LGM now


I did the preparations now, first I choosed the size of the book. The book will 
be 190 x 270 mm and it will be done in paperback. I also calculated the 
borders for the pages

left - 17.105mm
right - 33.070mm
top - 24.255mm
bottom - 47.632mm

As u see its a traditionally book border, where is a lot of space on the page 
borders. I calculated a book with 300 pages and 30 of them in full color. We 
have 47 talks and workshops means if all speakers participate in the book and 
want there content published, everyone can have 5 or 6 pages. That includes 
the illustrations. The rest is needed for titel, index and so on.
In that configuration the book will be selled at 39.90€ what means there will 
be 3.80€ a book for LGM. If we have lesser pages it will be cheaper but most 
important are the colored pages. We can print each position of a page colored 
but each colored page costs 0.09€, so I would be happy if there would be 
lesser then the calculated 30 colored pages.

If you need some illustration of your talk pages, it will be mostly charts and 
diagrams or stuff like that. They can be done mostly in greytones. There are 
some special needs for printing that, like using steps with 20%grey and the 
strongth of the lines.
So that looks all of that illustrations in the same way, I will do them. Only 
thing what u have to do is send me a sketch what u need, if u send it with 
plenty of time before LGM, I will show you the finished illustration before it 
becomes part of the book, so u can add some wishes or correctings.

We will use the LGM font which is OSP-DIN 
http://www.fontsquirrel.com/fonts/osp-din, text size should be 12, some have 
headlines and subheadlines, for them its 26 and 22. After the headline should 
follow a line with the names of the speaker font size is 14 and italic.
Text on the first page should begin after the 1/3 of the page. Sizes are only 
that u can calculate the pages.
It should look like this http://gnokii.fedorapeople.org/lgm-book.png (its 
without border)

I will accept all open format, so it doesnt matter if u use abiword, calligra, 
OOo or Libreoffice or just a text editor. Because of the time, I have to set up 
an deadline which will be first day of LGM. What is already late, because I 
have not really time to work on LGM, so I have to do the text preparations on 
the evenings until saturday. So be fair with me, send it earlier.

If u have some questions or need help, just speak with me but wait not to long 
with it. I have to plan my time a little bit becauseI have to work on another 
book, which I have to finish next 2 weeks.

br gnokii

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