Problem with dbus_connection_register_object_path() and Python wrappers

Lauro lauromoura at
Thu Apr 5 08:44:13 PDT 2007

On 4/5/07, Lauro <lauromoura at> wrote:
> >
> > Thanks for you answer Thiago, but what I mean is that it's the same
> > library, and this handler is registered inside this library by a
> > private function, not by an api call. The only difference is when
> > using the python wrapper register_object_path doesn't return an error
> > but when the signal is sent, the handler isn't called. Using a simple
> > C program this doesn't happen.
> >
> > So, the wrapper doesn't touch any dbus thing, just calls the library
> > and everything happens "under the hood".
> >
> Just a quick update: I modified the library to use a g_proxy object
> and register the handler using connect_signal. Again, the C test
> program works fine but using the python wrapper (wich I didn't modify)
> the handler isn't called.

Well, the C example creates an DBusConnection to setup with g_main,
and in the python test code I create one but do nothing with it. When
I comment this or place it after registering the handlers, they start
to work...

But I still don't understand the error here. If I create an Bus object
inside python _before_ registering the handlers, these handlers
(inside the library) aren't called.

Lauro ("lmoura" on Freenode)

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