GBus discussion

Fan Wu wufan9418 at
Fri Aug 17 20:10:40 PDT 2007

> So the state the app would need to know in this scenario is whether it
> had ever gotten a "name owned" - the app does not care _how_ the library
> knows that the name is not owned.

There might be applications interested in the how/why a name is not
owned, if JUST for logging purpose. Unless DBUS caches the error
conditions and provides an API dbus_get_last_dbus_error() to retrieve
the error message. My point is, we provide the error message and
return code, users can use them to their desire. They can choose to
leverage the application data as suggested in your post, or use the
return code, or both. All the return code and error message are
already exposed in libdbus, and I for one would appreciate the
availability of the information.


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