Fwd: Circular calls with DBUS

Rob Taylor rob.taylor at codethink.co.uk
Fri Mar 23 08:30:07 PDT 2007

Jacques Guillou wrote:
> Is there a way to configure the GLib binding in such a way that an incoming
> message can be preocessed even if the main loop execution is stopped into a
> synchronous call (waiting for its answer) ?
> Would that be safe ?
> I really think using asynchronous calls only would make a system much more
> complex than it would be if synchronous calls were allowed.
Async call handling is the only way to (possibly) totally avoid
deadlock, any other scheme leads to subtle deadlock cases (see mailing
list history for a discussion of this, in respect to DCOP deadlock

Note that only code providing objects on the bus needs to use async
calling, normal clients can still use synchronous calls.

Rob Taylor

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