dbus 1.1.20 and MandrivaLinux

David Stockwell dstockwell at frequency-one.com
Wed Mar 19 13:39:01 PDT 2008


Thanks for taking the time to respond.  FWIW, I decided to upgrade my distro from Mandriva 2007 to 2008.0, which also upgraded the 
DBus to 1.0.3, dbus-glib to 0.74, and BlueZ to 3.15.  After the upgrade I was still having problems, and after digging around in the 
directories and the Drake Package Manager, found that while the PM thought that it had the dbus-glib files installed, they had gone 
missing.  So, fortunately the PM thought that it had 0.74 installed, so I just installed it and now everything appears to be happy.

I then checked the init.d scripts for bluetooth and found that the various daemon modules were not where the startup/shutdown 
scripts expected them to be.  A few quick adjustments, and the basics now work reasonably well.

Now to move beyond 3.15 to the latest BlueZ; I need the latest, as I hope to contribute to their version one of the Bluetooth 
application-level protocols.

Thanks again, and all the best to you,

David Stockwell

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John (J5) Palmieri" <johnp at redhat.com>
To: "David Stockwell" <dstockwell at frequency-one.com>
Cc: <dbus at lists.freedesktop.org>
Sent: Monday, March 17, 2008 9:25 PM
Subject: Re: dbus 1.1.20 and MandrivaLinux

On Sat, 2008-03-15 at 12:02 -0500, David Stockwell wrote:
> I am working with BlueZ 3.27, which is moving toward use of DBus x.x.
> Things were moving along quite well, but one of the BlueZ messages
> "FindServices" was not recognized properly as having a string
> parameter.  Investigating further, I saw that the version of DBus
> installed with my copy of MandrivaLinux 2007 was quite out of date
> (0.94?).
> So...I downloaded and installed 1.1.20 and now nothing works at all.
> Primary symptom is the message returned when I try my first call:
> The name org.bluez was not provided by any .service files

Ignore this message.  bluez should be started in the init scripts
via /etc/init.d/bluetooth.  Since we can't distinguish services which
are not started and services which should be autostarted but lack a
service file we have that blanket error message since technically you
could autostart it (but the app may not be designed to be on demand).

BTW you most likely do not want to arbitrary upgrade D-Bus, though since
1.0.0 we have maintained ABI older version do not have that guarantee.
Since D-Bus is very much a system library if things break they will
break spectacularly and if you have installed one over the other without
uninstalling chances are older binaries are still pointing to the older

John (J5) Palmieri <johnp at redhat.com>

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