Compilation and installation of the dbus-java-dbus-java-parent-3.0.2

Bogdan bogdan at
Fri Aug 23 13:00:47 UTC 2019


I am going to install and to test the dbus-java-dbus-java-parent-3.0.2.

The "mvn test" seems to work (with some small errors).

Then I've noticed the two almost identical directories:




with Makefiles.

In the INSTALL it is stated, that for the successful compilation, the libraries are necessary.

I thought, these libraries are part of the old implementation (2.7.x 
versions), which in turn in not compatible (according to the 
file) with this library.

Could you please explain the dependencies between the project and these 
two directories and describe the steps of the full installation?

Thank you for your help,

with best regards,


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