zero-copy pipeline test cases

Sepehr Laal sepehr.laal at
Wed Oct 28 18:19:59 PDT 2015

I finally found some time to test this today thoroughly. I recompiled the
entire sdk with Cerbero. I updated the binaries and re-linked my
application with it. The strange thing that happened is that, performance
is much worse than before. Not sure if I am doing something wrong here.
Here's my pipeline:

playbin uri="..." video-sink="glupload ! appsink

I receive OpenGL textures in appsink perfectly fine but cpu usage is oddly
high. The device in question is a Samsung Galaxy S6 (Verizon).

Another strange problem is that, this pipeline also consumes lots of memory
(twice as much as a regular playbin with only appsink as its video-sink) on
Windows (with latest 1.6 64bit binaries).

This made me question the pipeline I am testing with. Am I missing the
right caps?

Other parameters set on my appsink are:


Thanks and as always any pointers and tips are much appreciated!
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