[gst-devel] Re: [gst-cvs] Changes in CVSROOT

Ronald Bultje rbultje at ronald.bitfreak.net
Wed Feb 13 12:55:01 CET 2002

On Wed, 2002-02-13 at 21:19, Erik Walthinsen wrote:
> On Wed, 2002-02-13 at 12:00, Richard Boulton wrote:
> > Put the diffs back in the commit mails, until someone creates a
> > gstreamer-cvs-verbose list.
> gstreamer-cvs-verbose list created, waiting for SF to actually get it
> running.  "6-24hrs"

This might sound dumb, but why do we need two CVS lists? If you're not
interested in the content of the patches, you wouldn't subscribe to
gst-cvs anyway, would you?


-   .-.
-   /V\    | Ronald Bultje <rbultje at ronald.bitfreak.net>
-  // \\   | Running: Linux 2.4.17-XFS and OpenBSD 3.0
- /(   )\  | http://ronald.bitfreak.net/
-  ^^-^^

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