[gst-devel] Quality of service

Jérôme Patey jerome.patey at open-plug.com
Fri Dec 9 04:32:09 CET 2005


    I wanted to know what was the status of GStreamer regarding QoS.

    If you have 2 mp3 decoders, one hardware and one software, with the 
same input capabilities. How does GStreamer choose one instead of the 
other ? Is there a way for me to add a capability somewhere where I 
could specify the implemnetation (hardware or software), how much MIPS 
are required, how much memory is used during the decoding process, and 
so on, so that GStreamer could be able to choose one that best fit the 
platform ?

    I think that choosing a plugin from a multiple choice is very basic 
for now (choose the first one I think), but where could I had 
intelligence to GStreamer (properly !), so that it could be able to 
choose smartly a plugin from the given specifications of the different 
possible plugins ?

    I know that all this is probably unnecessary for PC, but on embedded 
device, it's crucial to add QoS to GStreamer...

    Thanks in advance,

Jerome Patey - jerome.patey at open-plug.com
- Framework Team -

Open-Plug - www.open-plug.com
Sophia-Antipolis, FRANCE

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