[gst-devel] Filtering with catch-all mime type video/*?

cascardo at holoscopio.com cascardo at holoscopio.com
Wed Oct 4 12:51:03 CEST 2006

On Tue, Oct 03, 2006 at 03:39:26PM -0700, Charles Iliya Krempeaux wrote:
> Hello,
> Just a side note.  Ogg Theora videos have the MIME type: application/ogg
> It would be nice if it was: video/ogg  But that is NOT registered.  Nor have
> I heard any plans to register it (or even encourage people to use it without
> registering it).  (Although alot of people would prefer it.)
> So video/* would NOT get all video data formats.

In fact, ogg is a container format, which supports video, audio,
subtitles and metadata. One ogg file can contain only audio and
metadata, for example, which is very typical when it comes to ogg vorbis
(although ogg flac is also possible and common). So, video/ogg would be
a mistake, since ogg is not a video format. video/x-theora, on the other
side, is a video format and supported by both oggmux (as a sink caps)
and oggdemux (as a src caps) - in fact oggdemux supports ANY as src

So video/* would get video/x-theora, which is what the previous
application seems to be interested in (and video/x-dirac and
video/x-smoke, which are both supported by oggmux).

My application too would be interested in testing whether an element
like oggmux supports some video format and video/x-theora would fit for
the oggmux case.

So, why would any one be interested in video/ogg and would it really
make any sense?

> See ya
> -- 
>    Charles Iliya Krempeaux, B.Sc.
>    charles @ reptile.ca
>    supercanadian @ gmail.com
>    developer weblog: http://ChangeLog.ca/

Thadeu Cascardo.

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