[gst-devel] X error on playing video through xvimagesink to QWidget

4ernov 4ernov at gmail.com
Sat Nov 21 11:56:58 CET 2009

I suffer strange problem when using xvimagesink and ximagesink and
displaying the output to Qt4's QWidget. I initialize sink element with
windowid of QWidget:

gst_x_overlay_set_xwindow_id ((GstXOverlay*)xvimagesink,

and then play video to it using playbin with this sink set as video-sink:

g_object_set(G_OBJECT (_pipeline), "video-sink", xvimagesink, NULL);

Video files (I tried avi with Xvid encoded video) are played just fine, but
when I try to play any DVD disc pipeline works ok, sound goes but nothing is
displayed on the widget and console is filled with X Error messages:

X Error: BadGC (invalid GC parameter) 13
  Extension:    133 (Uknown extension)
  Minor opcode: 19 (Unknown request)
  Resource id:  0x4c00002

I think it prints one such text on every frame, very often.
Also, if I set windowid of the main window of application, i.e.:

gst_x_overlay_set_xwindow_id ((GstXOverlay*)xvimagesink, this->winId());

everything works ok, too.

Could you please help me with the problem? How can I fix it or maybe it's a
bug in GStreamer or Qt?
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