1.4 GStreamer and the Black Sheep GL plugins

Lasse Laursen lasse at lasselaursen.com
Tue Jul 29 05:32:17 PDT 2014

Dear other Gstreamer devels,

First of all - congrats on making a 1.4.0 release. I much appreciate all 
the hard work you chaps and chapettes are putting into this fine SDK! 
I'm putting GStreamer to work in my project for the past year, and I 
hope to really ramp up its work load in the coming weeks.

Now - I know it's not really polite conversation to refer to the 
black-sheep bad plugins, but since I'm not really whining and moaning 
about quality I thought it might still be ok... If I've understood 
things correctly, there is a real glimagesink available which should 
work in some shape or form, ready for me to pipe the result of a 
gstreamer pipeline directly into a part of an OpenGL window, correct?

Even if the answer is yes - would there be any other proper/concievable 
way of doing this without the use of a generic appsink that then just 
manually copies the data into an OpenGL texture?

I looked deeper into this half a year ago, and thought I remembered 
seeing some tutorials about letting Gstreamer own a small portion in a 
windows windo, and letting it do its thing, but I've not been able to 
come up with anything while I searched today. Is it even possible to to 
pipe gStreamers output directly into a window it does not itself create, 
without the use of an appsink or the likes?


Lasse Farnung Laursen
Post.doc at the University of Tokyo
www.lasselaursen.com <http://www.lasselaursen.com>
FB: lasse.laursen <https://www.facebook.com/lasse.laursen>
Twitter: @PMP_J <https://twitter.com/PMP_J>
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