Query on Gstreamer framework

Ratheendran R ratheendran.s at gmail.com
Sat Jan 10 10:22:59 PST 2015

Hello All,

 I am new to gstreamer frame work, so excuse me if I am putting any basic
question in the forum.

 I have some technical/license side query on gstreamer framework.

 1. We are planing to use Gstreamer ported by freescale on imx6, so my
question is can we use gstreamer on the production system. Any legal

2. How many pipeline is possible from a single gstreamer source element. I
want a single source to sink the video sceen as well as the write to a
circullar buffer.

3. We want to store the encoded video in a circular buffer based on time
stamp and latter would like to retrive the samples of frames based on the
time stamp, I would like to parse the same video stroed in the circular
buffer and create a new video file based on sampled frames.

-I would like to know does the existing gstreamer pipeline make all the
things possible.

 -Do any one know of the existing application to which I can take a look
and start my activity.

 Thanks for you time to look into my queries.


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