callout on property change

David Zeuthen david at
Tue Apr 20 10:37:12 PDT 2004

On Tue, 2004-04-20 at 19:11, Joe Shaw wrote:
> > Couple of design decisions:
> These all seem fine to me.  I don't think property add/remove is too
> interesting either.  Presumably if someone needs to act on it, they
> could do it when the device or a capability is added.

I pretty much agree here. As Joe initially had planned, we might at some
point introduce a directory


with files, preferably in XML, describing rules for when and what to
call out. And then deprecate the existing call out stuff. 

Another option might be to have more rich metadata internally in hal,
e.g. being able to say 'this property should not trigger callouts'.

It does limit us in some ways about what hal should do, but I think
that's a good thing. For instance, it would easy to add properties
net.tx and net.rx for the traffic on the interface, but maybe this
should be outside the scope of hal.


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