info.icon in HAL

Richard Hughes hughsient at
Thu Mar 1 15:48:16 PST 2007

On 01/03/07, Danny Kukawka <danny.kukawka at> wrote:
> On Donnerstag, 1. März 2007, Richard Hughes wrote:
> > Attached patch adds info.icon to the spec. It's expected that all the
> > icon logic be in hal-info, for which another patch is attached.
> What have HAL to do with icons? This isn't hardware abstraction! This
> is some kind of desktop policy.

Well, as David has mentioned before, HAL is a really bad name.

I do think this fits in HAL for a few reasons:

* we are defining what type of hardware the device is
* we are in an ideal position to match with XML fdi files against
vendor Id's and stuff
* we can be cross desktop as we are using the freedesktop names
* we can launch probers if we need to, to get more detailed info about
the hardware
* we don't have to re-impliment the rules and the matching in GNOME,
* we can define the rules in hal-info with a stable rapid release
policy so we can get icons for new devices as they are released

> I wounder about this, also because we already marked the icon functions
> HAL provided e.g. in libhal-storage as LIBHAL_DEPRECATED to remove them
> soon - and now we add something similar again?

No, I don't think stuff like gnome-vfs should call some random method,
I think it should just read a property, and load an icon from the same
HalDevice. This stuff shouldn't have to be rocket science for the

> This sounds not really sane.

Does it sound any less cracktastic with the ideas above?


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