Deadline for Plumbers Conference CFP

David Zeuthen david at
Fri Jul 18 08:00:18 PDT 2008


(and sorry for cross-posting)

This is just a reminder that speaker proposals for Plumbers Conference
must be submitted no later than Sunday 20 July 2008 20:00 (8 PM) UTC.
There are going to be the following microconfs

      * The future of Linux storage
      * Video input infrastructure and V4L2
      * Power management and tools for efficient resource usage
      * Future displays and input devices
      * D-Bus for desktop integration
      * Linux server management
      * XCB and graphics
      * Audio
      * Kernel/userspace interfaces
      * Debugging, tuning, tracing, and profiling

More information about the conference including how to submit proposals
can be found here

Hoping to see many of you in Portland!


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