Update on DeviceKit

Michael Biebl mbiebl at gmail.com
Thu May 8 13:41:40 PDT 2008

2008/5/8 Matthew Garrett <mjg59 at srcf.ucam.org>:
> On Thu, May 08, 2008 at 04:53:00PM +0200, Holger Macht wrote:
>> On Thu 08. May - 15:46:00, Matthew Garrett wrote:
>> > On desktop systems, nothing other than ondemand ever makes sense.
>> > There's already a kernel knob for setting maximum latency, but right now
>> > I believe it only takes C states into account. You're guaranteed to get
>> > code running within that window, it just makes no guarantees about what
>> > speed the CPU will be running at or how long it'll take to ramp up.
>> So it would even make sense to not export "setting the governor", but just
>> a performance scale. This way, you could even set the governor behind the
>> interface if it requests full/medium/low performance.
> I can only reiterate than on desktop systems, nothing other than
> ondemand ever makes sense. Performance and conservative are just

That's a bogus argument. I personally e.g. use the powersave governor
quite often.
When I'm on battery, when I don't want the fan to make noise etc.
There are a lot of use cases.
And that kpowersave gives me a simply right click option is really handy.
I'd hate to lose that feature.


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