Acer Aspire 5920G keymap patch

Nikolay Borisov neiro21 at
Mon Feb 2 01:49:28 PST 2009

Hello Martin,

I checked all the keys and special combinations when trying to figure
out if all of them are recognized as I expect.
As of 'prog1' code, it is assigned to the 'blue E' button. But I could
not find any key with 'prog2' though it is assigned to 'e073' scancode.
So I thought it was reasonable to correct the mapping with the patch.
Please correct me if I am wrong.

Kind regards,
		Nikolay Borisov

Martin Pitt (martin.pitt at wrote on Sun, 1 Feb 2009 23:06:12
>Hello Nikolay,
>Nikolay Borisov [2009-01-28 15:03 +0300]:
>> I have hal-info 20081219-1 package (deb) installed and all the keys
>> are recognized except 'Acer Arcade launch' button. Here is my patch
>> to recognize it.
>Just to clearly understand what's going on, why are these two
>different keys? What's printed on them? I. e. would it perhaps make
>sense to assign a different functionality to the other key?
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