[HarfBuzz] Detecting ICU/FreeType without pkg-config?

Martin Hosken martin_hosken at sil.org
Wed Nov 18 00:16:04 PST 2009

Dear Jiang,

> Is there any way to make harfbuzz-ng detect ICU/FreeType without using
> pkg-config files? Thanks.

This is what we do in grcompiler. I don't know if it is any good, but it seems to work.

AC_CHECK_LIB(sicuuc, u_charType_3_6)
AC_CHECK_LIB(sicuuc, u_charType_3_8)
AC_CHECK_LIB(sicuuc, u_charType_3_9)
AC_CHECK_LIB(sicuuc, u_charType_4_0)

# Checks for header files.
# need to check for icu .h files as in unicode/uchar.h


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