[LDTP-Dev] Way to distinguish between menu items

Ara Pulido ara at ubuntu.com
Tue Jul 28 05:01:53 PDT 2009

Hello all,

I am trying to write a test to check that if a menu item exists or not 
in the top panel. The problem is that the name is exactly the same that 
another one in the top panel that always exists.

This is the structure:

First match (always there):

-----> Applications
------------> Internet
-------------------> Evolution Mail

Second match (not always there and the one we want to check in the test):

------> Embedded componet (embindicator-applet)
---------------> Evolution Mail

The problem is that using doesmenuitemexists always returns 1, because 
it matches with the first one.

Using invokemenu does not help, as it invokes the context menu of the 
embedded component, not the normal menu.

Any ideas how to make this difference?


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