What is bibisect? And what is it doing in my office?

Robinson Tryon bishop.robinson at gmail.com
Fri Jul 6 12:13:52 PDT 2012

On Mon, Jun 18, 2012 at 3:11 AM, Jan Holesovsky <kendy at suse.cz> wrote:
> Not at all - it is even possible to generate a zipped installation, that
> would be just unpacked, and checked into git; ie. nothing really hard to
> do.  But nobody has done that yet - are you interested?

Has anyone else started to implement this feature?

> If yes: The best would be to modify the tinbuild2 to be able also to
> commit the installation to a git repository, and push it to some
> repository.  We wouldn't get the same granularity as a dedicated
> bibisect build (with strict 64 commits interval), but still good enough,
> considering that we usually have 40-100 commits a day.

It's certainly good enough for Windows, where we don't have any
bibisect repos, but it would still be great on GNU/Linux so that we'd
have up-to-date bibisect that can be applied to any regressions that
pop up during beta testing.

> The tinbuild2 is here:
> http://cgit.freedesktop.org/libreoffice/contrib/buildbot/
> You probably want to hack somewhere here:
> http://cgit.freedesktop.org/libreoffice/contrib/buildbot/tree/bin/tinbuild_phases.sh#n85
> (making it part of the do_push() function).

Hmm. The buildbots are spread out in different locations, right? It
seems like the simplest thing would be to push the zipped install up
to the remote (source) server with something fault-tolerant like
rsync, compare a sha1 to make sure it got transfered properly, then
unzip and commit the files to the bibisect repo for that buildbot.
That would eliminate the need for each buildbot to have a local copy
of the bibisect repo.


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