LibreOffice Forums Categories Proposal

Marc Paré marc at
Wed Sep 26 22:58:09 PDT 2012

FYI, there is a post on the discussion list regarding a LibreOffice 
forums categories proposal. As you may or may not know, we are readying 
a forums solution for LibreOffice users and contributors (for those 
lists who wish to have a forums of their own; or, for those lists who 
are unsure and would like to try out a forums for a while alongside 
their mailing list). In order to keep the noise down in the lists, I 
have posted the proposal on the discuss list without including the 
mailing lists in the address part of the email.

Keep in mind that this is a proposal, thus, changes will be made to the 
forums where there is consensus. We would like to keep the main 
discussion of this topic on the discussion list as well as make any 
decision regarding changes from feedback on the discussion list. Feel 
free to join in on the discussion or to contact any of the LibreOffice 
co-coordinators if you have any questions.

You can find the proposal as well as useful links here 


Marc Paré
Forums co-coordinator

Marc Paré
Marc at Supports OpenDocument Formats (ODF) Supports

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