E1750 Reloaded - QMI - STATIC - DHCP - IPv4

Aleksander Morgado aleksander at aleksander.es
Mon Aug 4 05:38:31 PDT 2014

On Mon, Aug 4, 2014 at 1:03 PM, poma <pomidorabelisima at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Do you have some MM debug logs to check what static IP config was built?
>> And I guess checking some wireshark traces on the WWAN interface also
>> wouldn't hurt...
> Man, I've spent enough time on it already and guess what, MM_BEARER_IP_METHOD_DHCP works perfectly!
> Why unnecessarily breaks the valid configuration!?
> Earth calling!

Well, DHCP involves 1 additional extra step in the IP configuration
setup of these modems, so we wanted to get rid of it as we can already
read the IP configuration to set directly from the modem. The thing to
understand now is what we get with DHCP that we don't get with static
IP config.


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