MM v1.4.6/Telit HE910-D SMS question

Highland, Glenn Glenn.Highland at
Mon Aug 31 11:38:08 PDT 2015

Hello all,

Our device is running ModemManager v1.4.6 against a Telit HE910-D modem (rev. 12.00.024).  We've been quite successful
in expediting data transfer via IP through the cell network (no problems there), but we're having considerable difficulty
getting SMS messages to be received by the device.  The signal strength being measured looks reasonable and since IP
connectivity is quite reliable I don't think it's RF-related.

I've been running ModemManager in debug mode and using mmcli.

The issue I'm seeing is when the modem is enabled, ModemManager appears to be properly configuring the HE910-D
for SMS handling (I see the AT+CNMI="2,1,2,1,0" command being successfully executed to set-up new message indication
handling and the default message storage is properly selected).  Running the AT+CSMS? command shows the mode is
capable of sending/receiving SMS messages (as does AT+CSMS=0 and AT+CSMS=1).

However, immediately after I successfully connect to the AT&T "i2gold" APN (mmcli -m 0 -simple-connect="apn=i2gold"),
I then re-query the New Message Indications configuration (AT+CNMI?) and the result is "0,0,0,0,0".

My question to the group is: Do you think it is the AT&T network that is causing the change in the New Message Indications
configuration in the HE910-D?

Any help/ideas would be appreciated.  I've attached a highlighted log to perhaps help illustrate.

Thanks in advance

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