[Nouveau] OT: compilation

Grzesiek Sójka pld at pfu.pl
Thu Oct 7 13:14:19 PDT 2010

I have two problems with the kernel compilation.

1. I have a small rootfs. It is too small to put all the modules there 
without gzipping it first. So installing it requires lots of sweating. 
That is why I was wondering if there is a (more/less easy) way to make 
the "make modules_install" command gzip the modules "on the fly".

2. I modified the sources and after compilation the string 
"g76f6e1f-dirty" was appended to the kernel version. It is a bit 
annoying because of the lack of the space at the rootfs. Is there a way 
to avoid this kind of a version extension??

Thanks for your help in advance.

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