[Openicc] Adobe Color Profiles for Linux

Kai-Uwe Behrmann ku.b at gmx.de
Wed Nov 30 04:10:07 PST 2005


thanks for the good news.

About the License I can not so much say. What I hope is that the 
discussions with distributors will lead to an aceptable solution for all 

For the RPM format - well maybe I was a little bit fixed on this end 
format during our conversation in summer. Of course it is a primarily 
used format. Nonetheless repackaging would be ideal as Bob Friesenhahn 
pointed out. Distributions like Ubuntu or Solaris dont know about rpm's.

The osX entries are not usefull on unix alike systems and easily 
detectable. It would be nice to technically avoid them.

Flat directories are an easy option. On the other side, as allready 
stated, Oyranos supports non flat directories. This has the 
advantage of easily structurise (grouping) profiles without further 
technical needs.
With CinePaint using Oyranos it will read the Adobe profiles.

Kai-Uwe Behrmann
                                + development for color management 
                                + imaging / panoramas
                                + email: ku.b at gmx.de
                                + http://www.behrmann.name

Am 29.11.05, 11:55 -0800 schrieb Patrice Lagrange:

> Kai-Uwe,
> Upon your request a few months ago, we have packaged the Adobe Color
> Profiles for Linux and made them available for use and redistribution. We
> have also improved the licensing terms and process to facilitate the
> redistribution itself.
> We hope that these changes will be useful to the Linux community. Let me
> know of any question or concern. Any feedback is welcome.
> Go to:
> http://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/main.html
> Patrice
> ------------------------------------------
> Patrice Lagrange
> Director, Linux Market Development and Strategy
> Adobe Systems
> 408-536-4074

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