[Openicc] [cairo] Creating CMYK and spot colors using Postscript backend

Graeme Gill graeme at argyllcms.com
Wed May 16 04:48:54 PDT 2007

Bill Spitzak wrote:

> The simple converters provided by cairo will turn CMYK into RGB using 
> the 1-c, etc style of conversions. THIS FUNCTION IS FIXED, it never ever 
> ever ever changes, no matter how many ICC profiles or color calibrations 
> your computer has. A backend can of course implement it's own conversion 
> from CMYK to RGB, or keep track of 4 or more channels itself (and thus 
> also convert RGB to it's own CMYK).

Why bother supporting CMYK then ? Such a conversion is almost
useless for anything other than being a placeholder.
Apple, Microsoft, Adobe etc. haven't added comprehensive
color management to their display and printing systems for fun,
they've added them because this is now the expected performance

Graeme Gill.

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