[Openicc] KDE CMS

Cyrille Berger cberger at cberger.net
Tue Jan 29 09:43:45 PST 2008

First, let me clarify a few things, from the KDE point of view :
* consistency with how Gnome settings are displayed is unimportant, seriously 
the only reason you would want that is to ease transition from KDE to Gnome 
(or vice-versa), the person doing that will have to learn so many new things 
that it doesn't matter if the color management dialog is different, like it 
doesn't matter if Gimp UI is different from Krita or Cinepaint or Photoshop
* consistency with how other settings are set in KDE is *important*, we can 
safely assume that if the 
* what is really important is that if I change color management settings in 
KDE SystemSettings (or Gnome equivalent), they are changed in Gimp, CinePaint 
and Krita (that's what ouranos is about)

> > The goal in KDE4 is to make SystemSettings (the replacement of KControl)
> > the *central* place for settings of your computer, and not limited to KDE
> > settings. That means, that in the future, distribution settings will be
> > available in SystemSettings, that's more or less a merge of KDE3's
> > KControl with YaST, Guidance or whatever your distribution use. In short,
> > for ICC settings, that mean all settings should be available through
> > system settings.
> What about the screensaver case? The panel shows common tasks inside
> the window. That would be fairly well meet the Oyranos policy selection
> widget. It's a text choice.
> Other things can then appear in a different window after button press. We
> just had to figure out how this widget comes into existence - by a system
> call or whatever.
I guess there is something I don't get. I add assumed that the "policy" were 
some sort of configuration files, are they code plugins ?

> Of course the CMS settings can be an icon in SystemSettings only and come
> up in a own dialog window.
That wouldn't be consistent with the other part of SystemSettings.

> As long as we talk about the UI part, I am still not aware of a problem as
> long as Oyranos can decide about the inner logic, like widget grouping.
I don't really understand why is it important that oyranos have impact on UI 
and widget grouping.

> I'd guess books are best to reprint in the original order of their
> sections with very few exceptions.
I like my books to use the same fonts and style on all pages ;)

Cyrille Berger

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