[packagekit] Search/Filter box for available updates

Tirtha Chatterjee tirtha.p.chatterjee at gmail.com
Wed Jun 8 09:53:36 PDT 2011

I am a KPackageKit user with Fedora, and often while updating
packages, I face the following use cases quite often

1. I am behind a slow internet connection. I update approximately once
a week. I selectively de-select some of the packages while updating -
sometimes because i don't need it, sometimes because I have limited
bandwidth and don't want to download big packages.

2. I only select a few of the many packages available for upgrade,
because my connection is too slow for a full upgrade. I select the
ones very important to my work, and the ones with security fixes.

In both of these cases, it is a PITA going through so many packages
(which is natural when you update once a week or less), and look for
the ones to enable or disable. IMHO, i think a text box acting as a
filter for the package names would be very useful in this case. Also,
both the use cases I mentioned are quite common in my country and
other places where bandwidth is on an average very less. Also, many
users selectively ignore some updates even with faster bandwidths.

If you like my proposal, I am ready to make the necessary changes in

Tirtha Chatterjee
KDE developer

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