Globs or Wildcards in scripts?

Joel Bryan Juliano joelbryan.juliano at
Sun Apr 11 14:08:27 PDT 2010


I'm creating a simple slideshow plymouth theme that is very similar to
the glow example theme, however the images does not contain
transparency and will scale from 640x480 to the most possible KMS
resolutions, so I like to write a script for it.

In the Plymouth/Scripts wiki on freedesktop, declaring a resource is doing,

box_image = Image ("box.png")

what I want to accomplish is something similar to this,

continous_images_for_slideshow.each do { |slideshowfiles|
  image << "Image (#{slideshowfiles})"
  sprite = Sprite(image).setX # now perform actions in each sprite
like opacity, etc.

Or in Python

for slideshow_images in ('special://logo'):
  globals()[slideshow_images] = Sprite().setX(..)
  globals()[slideshow_images] = Sprite().setY(..)
  globals()[slideshow_images] = ...

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