Globs or Wildcards in scripts?

Charlie Brej plymouth at
Sun Apr 11 15:44:48 PDT 2010

On 04/11/2010 10:08 PM, Joel Bryan Juliano wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm creating a simple slideshow plymouth theme that is very similar to
> the glow example theme, however the images does not contain
> transparency and will scale from 640x480 to the most possible KMS
> resolutions, so I like to write a script for it.

Are you trying to load a set of numbered images into an array?
Is this what you need?:
index = 0;
while (1){
     index_string = index;
     if (index < 10) index_string = "0" + index_string;
     frame_image[index] = ImageNew("base" + index_string + ".png");
     if (!frame_image[index]) break;

An old example script did some of these things:

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