[Portland] xdg-su: dropped for now

Bastian, Waldo waldo.bastian at intel.com
Wed Aug 2 11:27:57 PDT 2006

I have dropped xdg-su from the last xdg-utils beta.
The reasons for that were:
* gksu/gnomesu/xsu are not as widely distributed as kdesu, in particular
Fedora/Redhat doesn't include any of them by default
* There is no reliable reporting of exit codes or forwarding of
* Command line parsing needed work to support sudo style formatting.

I haven't given up on xdg-su just yet, I think it can be part of a 1.1
release or released stand alone at some point once (some of) the above
issues are resolved. Please make yourself heared if you want to see
xdg-su happen.

Waldo Bastian
Linux Client Architect - Client Linux Foundation Technology
Channel Platform Solutions Group
Intel Corporation - http://www.intel.com/go/linux
OSDL DTL Tech Board Chairman

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