[Portland] xdg_vfs_gnome command line client

Bastian, Waldo waldo.bastian at intel.com
Thu Jun 1 11:03:04 PDT 2006

>Why do you want to separate payload and control data? You would still
>have to 'escape' payload data, because what if you want to transport
>multiple files? Also you might have to IO-multiplex on the client side
>if you have two pipes to read from.

What's the point of a command line tool if it's so complicated to use
that you need a library o parse it's output? Keep it simple!

Now to answer your question... if you want to get multiple files in
parallel you can use multiple pipes/sockets/files to send your data to.
But quite frankly, if you need that kind of functionality you probably
don't want to use this tool. Let's focus on one file at a time.


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