Fwd: [Promotion] Rolling up things

Sebastian Kügler sebas at kde.org
Wed Dec 27 13:23:33 PST 2006

On Monday 18 December 2006 23:25, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> Thilo: Tell me why (costly) collaboration on marketing issues is going to
> be of more benefit than (cheaper) focus on our own awesomeness. I'm not
> keen to read another essay answering a totally different question, though.
> :-)

I'm not Thilo, but speaking for myself, I *know* that we're facing lots of the 
same problems, and at least from *my* point of view, I'd rather have a _free_ 
desktop rule the world than a proprietary, that's why I favor GNOME instead 
of Windows or OSX.

I know that there are a lot of people around who fear that better 
collaboration on this kind of things makes one or the other free competitor 
weaker. My strong conviction is that by better collaboration, and by sharing 
efforts where it makes sense, we can gain much, much more than what we might 
loose by narrow-mindedness of thinking that it's either GNOME or KDE. 
Afterall, we (at least I) don't want a monoculture anymore.

And I'm actually asking myself when people start to understand that a joint 
effort (be it a good communication channel like this as a start) is being 
attacked by negativity rather than working together on those good ideas. I do 
know though that there's enough positive energy and freedom around in both, 
the KDE and GNOME communities.

Actually, I know that KDE in certain areas is ahead of GNOME and that sharing 
some of that experience we made can absolutely be worthwhile. If top GNOME 
people don't want that though, we're probably better of keeping thinking 
inside the box, fighting each other and let others have the pie.

 http://www.kde.org | http://vizZzion.org |  GPG Key ID: 9119 0EF9 
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Perfection is achieved not when you have nothing more to add, but when you 
have nothing left to take away. - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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