[pulseaudio-discuss] Java/Network/Pulseaudio

vincent-perrier vincent-perrier at club-internet.fr
Mon Sep 15 15:35:54 PDT 2008

I have made an UML virtual machine that uses the pulseaudio
to transmit sound to the host through the network.

Config for the UML virtual machine:
    pcm.pulse {
        type pulse
    ctl.pulse {
        type pulse
    pcm.!default {
        type pulse
    ctl.!default {
        type pulse
    ; default-sink =
    ; default-source =
    ; default-server =
    ; autospawn = yes
    ; daemon-binary = /usr/bin/pulseaudio
    ; extra-arguments = --log-target=syslog
    ; cookie-file =
    ; disable-shm = no
    default-server = tcp:

My host is at address and pulsaudio is running on it.
the host file /etc/pulse/default.pa contains the line:
load-module module-native-protocol-tcp

For normal applications using ALSA inside my UML virtual machine, 
(ie linphone) the sound comes out perfect out of the host. 
>From the host microphone to the UML, it is not perfect, but it works.

For firefox inside my UML, sound perfect (and video image not good).

For the JAVA application called  sjphone using pcm, "padsp ./sjphone"
the sound comes out of the host fine. 
>From the host microphone to the UML, the sound is very bad and
diseapears with time.

For JAVA application "padsp java -jar JavaSoundDemo.jar"
Nothing works, when I try to play a song.  
When I try to record, it does not work and I get the following error:

Line matching interface TargetDataLine supporting format PCM_SIGNED
44100.0 Hz, 16 bit, stereo, 4 bytes/frame, big-endian not supported.

I tried a random change in the params, I got:
Line matching interface TargetDataLine supporting format ULAW 8000.0 Hz,
16 bit, mono, 2 bytes/frame,  not supported.

My question: since ALSA-using applications transmit sounds to and from
the host very well using pulse, why should the JAVA (sun jdk1.7.0) use
the pcm that needs padsp command and seems not as good at all?

And thanks for what is already working, it seems that all alsa-using
applications are already working great!
Vincent Perrier

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