[pulseaudio-discuss] Pulse audio and NFS home directories.

mike _ arizonagroovejet at gmail.com
Thu May 14 05:51:55 PDT 2009

Lennart - thanks for the info. Useful to know that the rejection of
~/.pulse being a symbolic link is deliberate as I can at least file it
under 'things I can't change'.
There's no chance of you getting patches from me I'm afraid due to
lack of relevant skills!

2009/5/14 Colin Guthrie <gmane at colin.guthr.ie>:
> If you really want to make ~/.pulse a local filesystem, you could bind mount
> it before starting pulse but after mounting NFS
> e.g.
> Run once:
> sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/home/$USER/.pulse
> sudo chown -R $USER.$USER /usr/local/home/$USER
> Run at every boot:
> sudo mount -o bind /usr/local/home/$USER/.pulse $HOME/.pulse

Nice idea for sure and it would be fine for a couple of testing
machines but not practical for a roll out where there are ~30000
potential users at any given time and a constant trickle of account

Though maybe if it were done on a per-user basis at some suitably
early point in the login sequence... hmmm. Might have to investigate

2009/5/14 Colin Guthrie <gmane at colin.guthr.ie>:
> (FWIW, *my* NFS based gdbm files are about 24k so :p to you!)

Interesting that Lennart's were considerably smaller and yours are
even smaller than Lennart's. I'll have a word with those that maintain
the NFS servers and see if they have any thoughts on the matter of the
huge file sizes I'm getting.

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