[pulseaudio-discuss] Need a way to check when start-pulseaudio-x11 fully initialized

Tanu Kaskinen tanu.kaskinen at linux.intel.com
Wed Aug 13 00:52:23 PDT 2014

On Tue, 2014-08-12 at 15:08 -0700, John wrote:
> I need use something to query /usr/bin/pulseaudio and to ask it if it
> is fully initialized.  Right now, starting xbmc in stand-alone mode
> through a systemd service causes xbmc to start before pulse-audio is
> fully initialized which results in xbmc not being able to see all of
> the audio devices on the system.  Can someone suggest a method that
> will basically return an exit code of 0 when PA is initialized and a
> non-0 code when it is not ready?

What devices XBMC doesn't see? Currently alsa devices are loaded
synchronously during startup, and client connections are not served
until the startup is complete. This means that clients should see all
alsa devices no matter when they connect, because their queries won't be
served until the startup is complete. Bluetooth devices are a different
matter, because they're not loaded synchronously.

Also, it sounds like XBMC doesn't handle hotplugged audio devices? Is
that really so?


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