Package prefix suggestions?

Harold L Hunt II harold at
Mon Apr 5 12:24:56 PDT 2004

In packaging the release for Cygwin/X I need to have a prefix for the 
package names (e.g. foo-bin, foo-xserv, etc.).  We currently use
"XFree86" (e.g. "XFree86-bar") as our prefix.  While my intentions of 
drawing mutually beneficial attention to the upstream project from 
Cygwin/X didn't pan out I am still leaning in the direction of doing 
this again, mostly because I'm confident that we are creating an open 
organization that won't become self destructive in the near future.

Therefore, the package names prefixes I am considering (in order of 
preference) are as follows:

1) XOrg
2) X
3) X11

Is there any objection to using XOrg as our package prefix?  "X" is 
pretty generic and works for me, but it won't draw any attention to the 
X.Org Foundation.  "X11" seems overkill to be specifying the protocol 
number in the package name.

If I don't hear back from anyone I'm probably going to go ahead with XOrg.

Thanks in advance for any input,


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