Differences to XFree86 (other questions).

Jim Gettys release-wranglers@freedesktop.org
Mon, 01 Mar 2004 09:34:11 -0500

I did a crack at organization of packages for the applications for
the modular release...

There were a number of interesting pieces of antiquity I uncovered
in doing an inventory and possible package breakdown
(which you can see at:

rstart  a sample implementation of a Remote Start client
scripts/xon  start an X program on a remote machine  

I recommend we not install either of these: with security problems
being what they are, it seems asking for trouble, and ssh
is a simple replacement.  I know RH, for example, does not ship
either of these, and I think this is sensible of them.

Leaving them present in the sources seems ok, though, for
those who have dependencies on them.

It isn't clear to me if we should install the xfwp, either,
on similar security grounds. (it is a firewall proxy,
but again, there is no security so is prone to wire sniffing).
                              - Jim

Jim Gettys <Jim.Gettys@hp.com>
HP Labs, Cambridge Research Laboratory