xc/lib/font/FreeType/ in "XORG-RELEASE-1"-branch differs fromXfree86 trunk...

James H. Cloos Jr. cloos at jhcloos.com
Mon Mar 15 10:39:29 PST 2004

>>>>> "Keith" == Keith Packard <keithp at keithp.com> writes:

Keith> If we assume that all glyphs are either BITMAP or OUTLINE, then
Keith> we can simply ask for a single glyph and set a flag in the font

FWIW, do note that the popular fonts (esp from legacy partitions)
w/ embedded bitmaps do not have bitmaps for all scalable glyphs,
so a single flag per font will not guarantee accuracy.

The glyphs w/o bitmaps seem to be 2ndary to the font's target
audience.  (One example I looked at recently was intended for
lang=ko and had bitmaps for only about 60% or 70% of the rest
of the CJK characters it had outlines for.)  As such, use of
the bitmap-less glyphs will be relatively rare, but the choice
of which glyph to test needs to be language-dependent.


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