Are we doing 6.8.3 or not?

Kevin E Martin kem at
Mon Apr 25 09:15:06 PDT 2005

On Mon, Apr 25, 2005 at 08:40:27AM -0700, Alan Coopersmith wrote:
> I keep seeing more and more bugs nominated for 6.8.3, but no
> one doing anything with them.   Are we doing this or not?  If
> so, we need a release manager to step up now and get things
> moving, otherwise it won't be done until after 6.9/7.0.

I completely agree, and I think 6.8.3 needs to happen.  In addition to
6.8.3, we also have 6.9/7.0 on the near horizon.  Here is a strawman
proposal for moving forward with each of these releases:

People that have time and are interested in being the release manager
for the 6.8.3 release should speak up now.  If we have someone that has
the time to make it happen, then we should go ahead with the release.
Several people put their names in the hat in the past, but I don't know
if they still have the time.

I would like to be the overall release manager for the combined 6.9/7.0
release.  Two others have discussed being release managers as well: Alan
Coopersmith and Adam Jackson.  Due to the size of the 6.9/7.0 release, I
think it would be good to spread the load among several people.  If they
are still interested, then I think we could divide the work up such that
I would handle the overall release, Alan would be in charge of 6.9 part
and Adam would be in charge of 7.0.

What do you all think about this strawman proposal?

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