[systemd-devel] Cut down mount time of swap?

Claes Gyllenswärd letharion at gmail.com
Sun Aug 21 02:54:51 PDT 2011

My system generally starts really fast, but I have a single blame
entry larger than all the others together, and it's the swap mount.
I read in the systemd for administrators that I could add
"comment=systemd.automount" to the fstab entry.
Have I missed something about this? How can I dig a bit deeper in what
takes time?

 # grep swap /etc/fstab
/dev/sda2               none            swap
sw,comment=systemd.automount            0 0

# systemd-analyze blame
  3450ms dev-sda2.swap
   651ms udev-trigger.service
   452ms NetworkManager.service
   381ms console-kit-daemon.service
   340ms rsyslog.service
   181ms dbus.service
   158ms udev.service
   142ms console-kit-log-system-start.service
   136ms var-run.mount
   135ms systemd-sysctl.service
   126ms media.mount
   118ms rpcbind.service
   111ms systemd-vconsole-setup.service
   106ms systemd-remount-api-vfs.service
   100ms systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service
    59ms systemd-user-sessions.service
    44ms remount-rootfs.service
     2ms sys-kernel-debug.mount

Regards, Claes

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