[systemd-devel] How to quiet cron sessions logging with systemd-212?

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Tue Jun 10 09:01:00 PDT 2014

On Tue, 10.06.14 13:24, Leho Kraav (leho at kraav.com) wrote:

> On 10.06.2014 13:20, Lennart Poettering wrote:
> >On Mon, 09.06.14 09:33, Leho Kraav (leho at kraav.com) wrote:
> >
> >>After upgrading systemd 208 -> 212, every single cron job creates
> >>this flood in systemd journal:
> >
> >>Can I quiet this down somehow?
> >
> >The idea with the journal is that we log everything that happens on the
> >system, without exceptions, without hiding anything. And filtering is
> >then applied when you view things, based on the big pool of data you
> >have. This can be annoying, of course, but I am so very sure we should't
> >suppress these things, because soemtimes they are useful to know about.
> >
> >journalctl has powerful filtering capabilities, we have them to make
> >this huge datase palatable...
> >
> I'm actually all for getting the upstream i.e. cron/PAM acting more
> sane so we don't even arrive at the "logging huge amounts of
> low-effectiveness information" problem, but as you wrote in your
> other reply, that might be a whole separate project.
> In the meantime mgilbert's suggestion for using loginctl --linger
> parameter seems to accomplish the goal of quieting cron logging. Any
> side effects to consider?

Well, you keep the systemd user instance running all the time then
instead of just when it is used... Doing that for root is fine, but if
you do that for all users, then well, you got an additional process
running for each one of them...


Lennart Poettering, Red Hat

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