[Tango-artists] dialog-question and assorted other icons

Matthew Paul Thomas mpt at myrealbox.com
Sat May 13 04:12:59 PDT 2006

On May 13, 2006, at 8:33 PM, Taliessin Penfound wrote:
> ...
> Mainly, I'd like People Who Know What They're Talking About to take a 
> look at my dialog-question icon; I think there ought to be different 
> icons in Tango base to be displayed when you're asking the GUI how it 
> wants things done versus when the GUI is asking you how you want 
> something done (Gnome and WinXP make heavy use of this metaphor in 
> dialogs).
> ...

Can you give an example of "asking the GUI how it wants things done"? 
That seems a bit anthropomorphic on the computer's part. The closest 
thing to that, that I can think of, is a help button that displays 
instructions on the easiest way to do something. And Tango already has 
a Help icon.

Matthew Paul Thomas

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