[Telepathy] Black-box Testing Spec.

David Laban alsuren at gmail.com
Mon Aug 17 04:01:24 PDT 2009

Simon McVittie wrote:
> On Fri, 14 Aug 2009 at 15:22:45 +0100, David Laban wrote:
>> 1: I will check that each connection manager has valid .manager and
>> ..profile files associated with it, and explain where they should go if
>> missing.
> .manager is not mandatory, please consult telepathy-spec and/or the
> TpConnectionManager source code.
> .profile is no longer mandatory when Empathy finally starts using Mission
> Control 5.
> Various other features that you may think are mandatory are actually optional,
> for the simple reason that not every protocol can sensibly support them :-)
> In general, IRC is usually the protocol that doesn't have them, either through
> protocol deficiencies or telepathy-idle deficiencies.

I decided to mark a few things as mandatory when they weren't, simply
because without them, empathy wasn't easy to use for text chat (this is
from my own experience writing spyke, but I have not been scientific
about it). I guess it would be useful to have a "my protocol doesn't
support this" option, and also "This feature isn't mandatory, but it's
easy to implement and keeps everyone happy." in the error messages.

I hope you get the spirit of the framework from what I have said. The
jist is not to help people follow the spec to the letter: it is to help
people make something that "Just Works" in empathy. Sure, I will try to
make my tests reflect the spec, but the focus is to help people see what
they need to do next.

*heads up to cambs*

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