[Uim] uim-default hindering text input in mozilla

yusuke at cherubim.icw.co.jp yusuke at cherubim.icw.co.jp
Sat Dec 13 15:46:00 EET 2003

> Hi!
> I'm having a few problems with this uim-default module under GTK2. Since 
> it's somehow managed to set itself as the default input method for any 
> GTK2 program, I have to disable it every time I start up a program based 
> on GTK2. Otherwise I won't be able to type in the special characters 
> that are used in my language.
We designed uim-default not to process any key event and pass them to
GTK2's default input method. But uim-default mistakenly eat some of
key events.

Could you tell us what key are you faied to type? I unfortunately
missed some keys, maybe because Japanese keyboard does not have
the key.. XD

> Unfortunately, this can't be done in Mozilla-Firebird and 
> Mozilla-Thunderbird, my browser and email program.
Please set envirnment variable GTK_IM_MODULE=gtk-im-context-simple
for a while.

> Since uim-default doesn't seem to fulfill any purpose, is there 
> something I can do to remove it? I don't see the use of having an input 
> method that does nothing other than keep me from using my own language. 
> Also, do you think you could remove uim-default from the next release of 
> uim?

Sorry for inconvenice, but I want to have real fix for this problem.
By the way, are you using uim-helper-applet for GNOME or
uim-helper-toolbar-gtk? I or Tokunaga san will implement input method
switching from uim-default with its GUI.

  Yusuke TABATA (yusuke at cherubim.icw.co.jp)

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