[Uim] uim-default hindering text input in mozilla

David Oftedal david at start.no
Sat Dec 13 17:32:56 EET 2003

yusuke at cherubim.icw.co.jp wrote:

> We designed uim-default not to process any key event and pass them to
> GTK2's default input method. But uim-default mistakenly eat some of
> key events.

Well, the truth of the matter is, this happens with ALL GTK2 input 
modules, even those that do nothing. imhangul and im-ja will also eat 
certain keys, even though they're not programmed to do so. I don't think 
anyone knows how to fix this yet.

> Could you tell us what key are you faied to type? I unfortunately
> missed some keys, maybe because Japanese keyboard does not have
> the key.. XD 

Sure... The keys I tried to type in were Æ, Ø, Å, æ, ø and å.

> Please set envirnment variable GTK_IM_MODULE=gtk-im-context-simple
> for a while.

Sure, I could have done that, but removing uim-default's configuration 
worked just as well. After I removed uim-default's line from the config 
file, uim-default doesn't keep popping up in all GTK2 programs.

> Sorry for inconvenice, but I want to have real fix for this problem.
> By the way, are you using uim-helper-applet for GNOME or
> uim-helper-toolbar-gtk? I or Tokunaga san will implement input method
> switching from uim-default with its GUI.

No, I haven't tried those, actually! Perhaps I will, if I can find a 
space for them in my toolbar.

As for creating a real fix for the problem, I think this is probably a 
GTK2 bug, so it's quite possible that you can't fix it without modifying 

One thing I don't understand, though, is why you created uim-default at 
all. It's only an annoyance, since it pops up even when the user doesn't 
want it, and doesn't do anything except block certain characters. Why 
not just delete it?

-Dave Oftedal

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